9 ene 2009

D DAY - DÍA D part 1

-“this isn’t real” i said when i realized i was going to die…
A few hours before we were just in the port, getting on board of the landing craft, lots of us have sons, wives, parents, and we weren’t able to know if we were going to see them again.
We were aproaching to normandy, we had to land in “Omaha” island, the other islands were “Utah”, “Gold”, “Juno”, and “Sword”, this were just codenames.
As we were getting closer to the coast, we could already hear shots from the nazi germany located on buildings all the way long the island, the subfusil guy was praying for our lives while the rifle man was cursing at the german army.
One of the landing crafts blew up on our side… it was horrible, they were our comrades, and we were going to acomplish our mission for them, they didn’t die in vain.
Suddenly we reached land, the ramp opened and bullets came into the craft as air flows in our lungs, all my friends were dying in front of my eyes, we were fighting against ghost with guns, and that’s where i realized i was going to die.


-“esto no es real” dije cuando me di cuenta que iba a morir…
Unas pocas horas antes estábamos en el puerto… abordando los botes de desembarco, muchos de nosotros tenemos hijos, esposas, padres, y no teníamos la certeza de si los íbamos a volver a ver.
Estábamos aproximándonos a Normandía, teníamos que desembarcar en la isla “Omaha”, las otras islas eran “Utah”, “Gold”, “Juno”, y “Sword”, estos eran solo sus nombres clave.
Mientras nos acercábamos a la costa, podíamos ya escuchar los disparos de la Alemania nazi, localizada en edificaciones en todo el largo de la isla, el tipo del subfusil estaba rezando por nuestras vidas, mientras que el del rifle estaba maldiciendo al ejército alemán.
Uno de los botes exploto a nuestro lado… fue horrible, ellos eran nuestros compatriotas, y nosotros íbamos a cumplir nuestra misión por ellos, no murieron en vano.
De repente alcanzamos la tierra, la rampa se abrió y las balas entraron en el bote como el aire fluye dentro de nuestros pulmones, todos mis amigos estaban muriendo delante de mis ojos, estábamos peleando contra fantasmas con armas, y ahí es cuando me di cuenta que iba a morir.

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